Don’t think like me, but respect that I think differently
It is said that each head is a world and this is very true because from his point of view, each person is right about what he says. Each person has the right to think differently, and this we know, but for some reason, we are always looking consciously or unconsciously change the way people think.
Respect the way others think as you want them to respect your thoughts
Think about how many times you have seen someone eat or dress in a way that is very different from yours. A lot, I’m sure. And now think, how many times (even if silently) have you questioned or criticized them? Probably many too. For some reason, when we see a person do or say something that is different from who we are, we are frightened and assume that it is the other person who is wrong, without knowing that very possibly that other person, or anyone else, will be thinking the same thing about you.
For example, have you seen someone put mayonnaise on the beans? Or are you one of them? Well, the first time I saw something like that it made me sick and I thought the person was crazy for doing that, especially since the beans had broth in them. Something like that was not possible to accept. Over time, I saw that many other people were doing the same thing, so I thought that I was the crazy one. Well, it’s not a matter of madness, or even extravagance, but of tastes, and of course, different ways of thinking and looking at beans.
That’s the way we all are with life. Everyone has very different tastes, and we grew up in fact, used to thinking differently. There is no simple way to explain, but we are all so different that even the way we understand the same information is different.
However, in this way, with different thoughts and ideas, we fall in love, build relationships with friends and solidify the relationships we already have with our family. So why do you suddenly want to change the other person?
It usually happens that when we spend some time with someone, we start to want to make them think more like us. We even want them to like the things we like. No doubt, sometimes we will manage to do so, but never out of obligation but out of pleasure.
Just respect each other’s way of thinking and learn from each other. In the end, we look for opposites in relationships because we are made to exchange views and be better. Think about this: What could two people who think the same way all the time learn or grow?