Walking alone is not bad, what is bad is walking with others and feeling alone
We all need our space to reflect and recharge. It’s not bad to cancel appointments with friends or family from time to time just to be alone. What is wrong is to fill ourselves with empty company, fleeting presences and false friendships.
The people who have the least privacy, the celebrities, often go through periods of depression and many have even taken their own lives, because despite being surrounded by so many people, they feel terribly lonely. You don’t have to be a big celebrity to experience that terrible sense of emptiness.
Don’t be afraid of loneliness, it’s worse to be surrounded by those who make you feel alone
Every person, no matter how outgoing, needs time to himself, requires silences and pauses to enjoy true mental health. If you don’t allow yourself privacy, solitude, to know yourself in silence and to reflect, your identity is likely to crack and you will feel lost easily.
Only in solitude do we find out what we are and what we are not. Solitude gives you perspective, helps you reflect on what you have done wrong and drives you to pursue the paths you consider right. When you do not have this personal space it is easy to get lost.
When you’re home alone, you can be whoever you want to be. You can sing as loud as you want (even if you are very out of tune), you can water the plants, watch the TV programs you want, listen to loud music or just read and enjoy the silence. In short, solitude is a gift for you to spend time on yourself, on what you like to do.
That’s why you shouldn’t be afraid of loneliness, because it’s the healthiest space and time you have to give yourself love. What you should avoid at all costs is to surround yourself with people who make you feel terribly alone.
It is discouraging to see so many people surrounded by friends, with thousands of contacts in social networks that, at the end of the day, feel lonely and empty. Many people develop anxiety and other mental health problems just by not having the space and time to recreate, motivate and love themselves. Paradoxically, in many cases, the absence of solitude (those moments when we can be with ourselves) generates an extraordinary emptiness and feeling of loneliness and misunderstanding.
Remember that no one will understand you better than you do, so you need time to listen to yourself. The approval you need comes from you, as well as the motivation. It is not bad that you enjoy all the moments you are alone, because the companies will come and for all of them you need to be really recharged.
It is clear that walking alone is not bad, what is bad is walking with others and feeling alone. If the latter happens to you, then think about freeing your life a little from so many presences and set aside more quality time to be with yourself.