You have to watch out for the cruel ones disguised as good ones.
Actions define us as people more than words. A bad person, no matter how much he wants to appear, cannot imitate empathy, respect, care and ultimately love for others. So beware of those who claim to be good and are not.
There are people who are experts at camouflaging their evil. With cunning they manage to deceive many people and put them in their pockets, outwardly they seem to be very kind, but deep down they only keep bad intentions. Every one of their good deeds has interests at stake.
Now, for centuries we have debated what makes a person really bad. Some point out that bad man only reproduces and spreads the traumas of his past through his actions, others argue that there are people who are bad by nature. Regarding the latter, science has not proven the existence of an evil gene that negatively influences human behavior. However, a few years ago, there were studies on the “moral molecule”.
By moral molecule they refer to oxytocin, the love hormone, which is also responsible for keeping people together, whether in the family, with friends or even in society at large. There are indications that some people who do not have as much contact with oxytocin are colder or even more violent.
Wherever evil comes from, one thing is certain, every day we face different levels of aggression, manipulation, selfishness, irony, etc. We need to defend ourselves from bad people, identify them immediately so as not to be their victims or fall into their traps. Here are some tips to identify them.
How to identify subtly bad people
- They take a pleasant stance to conquer us, they seek to delight us with their attitudes or words to get what they want.
- They like to control and damage the self-esteem of others. To do this they are usually very subtle, they are not aggressive because they do not want to scare us off but rather poison us little by little.
- When they are caught being the bad guys, they will invent anything to look like the victims and not the perpetrators.
These people have had their whole lives to experience their game to perfection, because to be really bad you have to be intelligent, thoughtful and bad-tempered too. So even if you think it was just a misunderstanding, be assured that this person who has hurt you or wants to hurt you is fully aware of what he is doing, with them nothing happens by chance, they plan their shots with very good tactics.
Knowing this is important because it helps you protect yourself and take distance if necessary. If you have come across a bad guy disguised as a good guy, don’t hesitate to take off his mask, as these people are experts in deception and by doing so you will avoid harming others. We all deserve to have lives full of peace and harmony and the satisfaction of these people is focused on making everyone around them feel bad. Do not fall into their macabre game.