Don’t be afraid to do things alone
Don’t be afraid to be a lonely adventurer. We live in an increasingly noisy and fast world, where we are taught to believe that loneliness is uncomfortable and undesirable. But no, you’re missing out on a lot if you don’t know how to enjoy things alone.
You can go to a cafe, read a book, walk around the city, watch movies and more, all alone, without missing anyone. Alone, but not by the absence of others but by choice.
This solitude has nothing to do with melancholy, it is rather a state of independence in which companies may or may not be, but they are not determinant for your well-being. Doing things alone is not a bad thing, you must learn it. That way, you won’t immediately associate loneliness with melancholy.
We condition ourselves to be accompanied to feel good. And we consciously or unconsciously link loneliness with melancholy. But only when you are alone do you really do what you want to do. You don’t ask for second or third opinions, or follow someone else’s plans. You can go wherever you want, take your time, eat what you like, indulge in everything without having to coordinate with anyone else. This is one of the great advantages of independence that you should experience sometime.
When we get too used to this r in groups or with a partner, we partly lose the sound of our own voice. We often go where our friends or partner like to go, or where we like to share with them. But those places that only we like we leave for later; an after that most of the time never comes.
Don’t be afraid to make time for yourself, to follow your own plans and have a good time. Other people associate being alone with boredom, but nothing could be further from the truth. When you are alone you can be completely spontaneous, there are no plans other than those you make, you can dance around the house in a ridiculous way without being embarrassed, go anywhere you want without being limited by other people’s schedules, moods or budget; you can even change your plans along the way. There’s nothing boring about that.
If you get bored or feel melancholy when you’re alone, maybe you’re not taking advantage of your time alone as much as you should.
Remember that it’s all about perspective. If you see loneliness from the right perspective, you will really appreciate time alone. The hustle and bustle and company will soon come and they can wait, but having time to yourself is an unquantifiable treasure.
On a deeper level, solitude is the opportunity to know, respect, care for, love and overcome your own personal barriers. The many companies only distract you from your real problems. But from loneliness everything is clearer, learning is much easier and maturing is a faster process.