Don’t raise your voice, improve your arguments
He who speaks loudest is no longer right, but he who with facts and arguments proves his truth. He who cries thinks he is the master of the truth, but he is only a slave to his lack of character, which with his burning emotions drags him everywhere. He who cries only shows that he does not want to listen.
If you really want to be heard, stop shouting, because shouting sends a completely opposite message. The one who shouts loses his reason, does not gain it, because his burning message cannot even be distinguished, the only thing that remains in evidence is a person with an immature character unable to maintain control of his own emotions because of something probably trivial.
The one who shouts often believes he is right because on other occasions those who debate with him have simply given up. But not because they didn’t keep their reason, but because they were smarter and didn’t want to waste their energy on catching up and shouting too. That is why the one who shouts has the false security that his irate passion will give him victory over his opponent who, by not shouting, does not defend his truth.
The people who have the most to say know where and how to do it. When a knowledge or information has been digested, no one needs to force it on others; on the contrary, the treasure is for kings. That is, who really knows something does not hesitate to try to explain it, raise their knowledge and if the other party discards it, simply leave it at that.
There is a saying that says “don’t spend gunpowder on vulture”, if you have never heard it you will like to know its meaning because like all sayings, it is wisdom for daily life. It is a saying that refers to hunting exercises, gunpowder in that case is extremely valuable and you aim and shoot at the birds that are really worth it. If you shoot at a vulture (whose meat is of no use) you simply lose something as valuable as gunpowder. So in the case of an argument, what it means is don’t try to persuade the fools (people without understanding).
Knowledgeable people have learned this from their own experience or from advice, the point being that they never get to the screams trying to convince others or reaffirm their point. Understand something that is vitally important: you don’t need to prove to anyone that you are right, even if you think it’s about standing up for the truth you are only standing up for your own arrogance.
Try to build clean, accurate and well founded arguments with a lot of calm, always keep open to other opinions, because if the person who is debating is understood, maybe they will be persuaded and can easily see things from your point of view. But if you come across a foolish, arrogant person who shouts or who, without being right, contradicts you just to make you angry, keep silent, because the best response for fools is silence.