A good person doesn’t say they are good, their attitudes show it!
Good people don’t need to say they are good, their attitudes show it! Just like really smart people don’t need to say how brilliant they are.
Goodness cannot be interpreted through words, but through deeds. Therefore, beware of the one who professes his good deeds, who always seems to have the answer to every problem and who always seems to want to teach you a lesson. Goodness is silent and kind.
People who take great pains to say and repeat how good they are are not real or true to themselves. They convince themselves and want to convince you of who they are, they act out their kindness, as if it were a role to be played. But the truth is that in the depths of their hearts they do not know compassion, affection, respect, empathy or kindness.
Such people often even become judges who teach you the path you should follow from their extensive wisdom. They seem to have a lot of judgment about who is right and who is wrong. And in that order, it is easy to be influenced by these people without realizing it.
“We should do this or that,” “This is the right thing to do in these cases,” people who profess to be good and just often say. But you know there is a gap between words and actions when that “should” is actually a “must”. That is, when their words carry weight in your consciousness but not in theirs, which seems to be already perfect and to have fulfilled their mission on Earth.
But nothing could be further from the truth. The people who say and believe themselves to be perfect are the ones who are farthest from goodness, for there is no light of God in arrogance and haughtiness. God attends, teaches, and reveals Himself in humble hearts, not in the words of the proud.
Beware of deceitful lips that speak to you of goodness but do not compensate every word with actions, because often these words are loaded with manipulation. He who is good does not need to prove it because he does not want to convince you of anything.
Goodness is not an argument, it is a very special truth that some people follow to live their fullest and happiest lives. Goodness is not taught, it is born naturally in the heart when we are constantly exposed to the light, to all that is good, just and pure.
So, no one can teach you how to be good with words, but with actions, and he doesn’t even do it to teach you. For as we have already said, goodness is a decision of those who have decided to live in light and not in darkness, in peace and not in strife. Therefore, do not let yourself be ruled by the words of those who say but do not do good. Learn from the actions of those who work in silence. We do not need great speakers, we need people who do good without looking at who.