The right heart does the right thing, without expecting applause
All of us in our hearts carry a diva, that is, someone who expects to be recognized for a job well done. This is not a bad thing because somehow we always dream of being recognized for our good deeds or do you not expect to be paid for your effort when you work? As we said this is normal but only when we talk about certain things like physical and mental effort. When it comes to being correct, we shouldn’t dream of applause, because we are supposed to be correct just because we know it is right and not because we expect some kind of reward or prize.
Don’t look at the reward, do the right thing just to be fair
Every day when you get up and prepare food for everyone in the house part of you expects to be told “thank you”, this is because you feel that your effort and sacrifice is worth noting even though it is something you do very commonly. When you go to work you spend at least 8 hours doing something that many times you don’t like but you strive to get the reward of the salary. If you are studying and have a presentation, at the end you expect a lot of applause, and if you are in a business meeting, at the end you shake hands to say you did well.
No doubt we are very self-centered people who smile at the compliments, the applause, the hugs and the congratulations, but many times we do things where we don’t expect any of these things, do we? For example, you are sitting on a bus and a young pregnant woman gets on it and is left without her seat. When you see her, you get up and ask her to take your seat so that she is more comfortable. It also happens in the case of a senior citizen. Tell me, do you expect everyone on the bus to cheer you on and throw you a party? I don’t think so.
Now, you help an old man cross the street or pick up the backpack of someone who carelessly dropped it. What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for a standing ovation or a trumpet call in your honor? Obviously not. And this last, most curious example, you find a wallet full of money and you know who it belongs to. And assuming you choose to do the right thing and give it to him, what do you expect? Do you wait for a monetary reward? Obviously not. These are answers that you will most likely think are simple and obvious but if you knew that many people do not act this way.
There are those who expect some kind of compensation for everything. This is something that cannot be considered fair because how do we expect the world to change for the better if we always want to get a reward even for doing the right thing? We must all invest part of our lives in being good people to each other so that we can improve the world around us. So take a look at your life and think about whether you do more for your neighbor than for yourself.