For the sake of your own mental health, accept the end of your cycles
What hurts most about having to say goodbye to a cycle is to think of all the effort that went into trying to build something. Sometimes we start the cycles aware that they are a stage, but other times we think they will be forever, that it is the state in which we will live our lives; and we cannot be more fooled.
Life is made up of constant changes, it is cyclical. Even the marriage you chose to have and to which you said “forever”, goes through different cycles. Life is not static, on the contrary, it is dynamic, it has rhythm, nuances, drastic changes, folds and more.
When you invest your love and passion in building something, it hurts to let it go. You may have spent years cultivating a relationship, a career, or a job, but if they’re already worn out, it’s time to say goodbye. Let go, and move on to what you have in front of you, for life has something new and surely better for you.
Nothing is eternal, learn to let go
No matter how hard you try to hold on to something, no matter how hard you try to build a solid foundation, things fall under their own weight and nothing can stop them.
The problem we have to let go of is that in everything we become too exceptional and project ourselves into the future. Then, getting that idea out of our heads is quite difficult, it is painful and it tortures our existence. You probably think “it wasn’t meant to be,” or “it wasn’t meant to end that way. But life is not wrong, every molecule in this world obeys a perfectly orchestrated natural order. You have a perfectly designed life to be happy, don’t waste it.
We dream of having and achieving wonderful things, and when they finally come we live them and enjoy them to the fullest. But when the goodbye comes, we don’t know how to let go. Because human beings love the idea of the eternal.
Our existence is finite and that’s probably why we dream of things that remain in perpetuity. We are susceptible to endings, but they exist because they are necessary and healthy.
What happens when you don’t cycle?
There are relationships, jobs and projects that have an expiration date. When you prefer to prolong their existence, in the long run you find yourself with something that is rotten, old, lifeless and that only intoxicates you. Just as with a food, if you let its expiration date pass and you continue to consume it, it will only bring you illness.
The soul and mind get sick when people live outside their time. If you do not intend to close a cycle that you should have already advanced, or already closed but do not accept it, you are sickening your soul, your mind and even your body.
Forgive if you must forgive, cut off relationships if you must, step aside to heal. Everything you need to close a cycle healthily, do it, is for your own good.