There are many good people who go to the psychologist to deal with bad people
The world is full of people who want to destroy innocent people for no apparent reason. There are people who pull the rug out from under them just to see the other one fall, who make hurtful comments just to feel superior. Meanwhile, those who don’t deserve these abuses sometimes end up in a psychologist, trying to overcome the trauma.
Although technology is advancing at a rapid pace, there is one thing that is not improving in our modern society and that is empathy. There is still little tolerance, lack of empathy, rejection and mistreatment and what you see in the campaigns against these destroyers is only the tip of the iceberg.
Social networks are no man’s land when it comes to tolerance, empathy and respect. People feel free to say from the comfort of their computer any outrage that can deeply hurt a heart. And the worst thing is that those who accuse of having less empathy, the radical movements, are the least empathetic and receptive.
And social networks are just a reflection of the inner world that people have. The real world in the same way, is not easy for anyone. On the contrary, social networks are changing the way we judge, they have made us more materialistic, competitive and have taught us to judge by appearances more than usual. There are even insults that we learn on social networks to say in our daily lives.
We are now much more gossipy and do not mind spreading unfounded gossip, not taking into account that the person involved can be seriously affected emotionally and psychologically. We have learned to be bad, we can feel satisfaction in pulling the rug out from under the other. We love to prove the other person wrong and that we are right.
Thanks to these attitudes that we have adopted as a society, there are people who are seeing a psychologist in order to get on with their lives. We have made them feel miserable, wrong, weird, dumb, ignorant, useless, ugly, despised. Should we be proud of that as a society?
If the mental and emotional health of members of our society is in decline, we should be alarmed. The problem is not one of the innocent who is insulted and allowed to be affected, the problem is one of those who spread their poison wherever they go. Of course, it is great that we are strong people of character who can accept insult and praise alike. But we should not educate ourselves to be strong because “the world is full of bad people”, the right thing would be to fight the bad people, re-educate them, make them responsible for their every word.
However, I don’t want to be pessimistic, but it’s hard for the bad guy to stop being bad. Out of 10 bad guys, maybe 1 will learn his lesson. And along the way, many people have been hurt and are struggling to overcome the trauma. So the only way out seems to be to prepare the new generations to deal with the bad people, who will not cease to exist.