Don’t let other people’s behavior get in the way of your peace! Ignore and move on
“Don’t let other people’s behavior get in the way of your peace.” Dalai Lama.
You’ll rarely find anyone who thinks like you. Living together at home, at work, at school or college, is about tolerating the behaviors of others and finding a balance between how you would like things to work and how others like it. But sometimes we don’t know how to strike that balance and that’s when conflicts arise.
Many times, it is not even our fault, on the way we meet malicious, selfish, manipulative and bad-tempered people with whom it is almost impossible to dialogue. It’s very easy to get caught up in their bad energies, to get charged up all day long, thinking about how they do things on purpose to make us feel bad. This is how these people’s behavior ends up affecting our whole day and generating stress that in the long run tarnishes even our health.
Don’t let malicious people steal your peace
The essence of peace is that it is an inner faculty. It does not depend on what is going on around us, but on how we assimilate and understand the world. No one should be so decisive as to influence your peace and happiness. It is a power that only your heart should have.
When we live with people who think differently, we must take an emotional distance so that they do not interfere with our lives. It is also a matter of respect and tolerance, even if you are right, you must understand that you are an individual, and as such, you can only manage your own life. In short, let them be.
If you are a person who suffers, is distressed and stressed because people do not act as you expect, if you are overwhelmed that they do not listen to you and do not make the necessary changes, if you are emotionally affected by everything they tell you that is contrary to what you want to hear, you need to work on yourself to find your inner peace. The changes are very personal decisions, no matter how much you ask, people will not change, will not stop being selfish, manipulative or malicious because you say so. So the best way to preserve peace is to focus on yourself.
If someone wants to hinder your goal, focus on the goal. If someone does things on purpose to ruin your day, don’t give it a second thought. Occupy your mind and heart with what nourishes you, not with resentment and anger towards people who want to rob you of your peace.
Because eventually, many times bad people feed on your anger, sadness and despair. Why indulge them? Move towards what you want to achieve and don’t waste your time with those who despise you. Instead, surround yourself with people who appreciate you, give you words of encouragement and help you move forward.
Our day to day life presents us with many challenges of self-improvement, don’t waste the space of your mind and heart by bothering with those who have no affection for you. Take care of your peace as a great treasure of your heart.