You may miss him, but don’t go back to whoever hurt you
I know it very well! Something is taking hold of us and our chest feels like it’s going to explode from the desire to kiss and hug that person. Our reason is clouded, we suffer from a sudden and strong case of selective amnesia that makes us forget that this being made us cry rivers of sadness and despair. Why does it happen? What is affecting us? Need or lack of self-esteem? Well, maybe a little of both.
This article is precisely for all those people who have been hurt by someone after a relationship (short or long) and who, even after suffering horrors, still want to be with that executioner, to return to him… Thus the cycle continues.
Before you continue to prolong that situation, answer the following question: why do you want to go back to someone who made you suffer? It is better to say to yourself: It is true, I miss him, but I am very proud of the person I became without that relationship.
It’s time to put the bad stuff behind us
I know it’s not easy living away from the person you love, but it’s time to let go of the bad and close the cycle.
You split up because of a rejection? That person has taken you away from his life, has expressed to you that he no longer wishes to continue by your side and everything has come to an end. Perhaps he has betrayed you, destroying your trust and future plans.
These and many other things may have happened so that the relationship did not go ahead and, whatever it was, it made you suffer a lot. But even after such deep pain, you still love that person in your life. Really?
Read the following words carefully: Stop! Think! Wake up! Do you think you deserve so little as to wish upon someone who has done you so much harm?
Do you consider yourself so small that you will never find someone who makes you happy and deserves your love? Tell me, why do you keep turning your attention to him or her? You must not be insensitive, forgive those who hurt you, but you must not allow the situation to repeat itself again.
It’s time to think more about yourself, to recognize your own value, intelligence and beauty. From today onwards, reflect on the kind of people you keep around you and consider whether you get what you deserve from them. Don’t keep wasting your days and years of youth.
There is something called self-love and it is the greatest love of all. It’s not about pride, it’s about courage. When you put it into practice, it is you valuing yourself whenever you are in a similar situation. Of course, you will still feel nostalgia, but that feeling will not last forever.
Value yourself! Dance, sing, laugh with your arms open to the wind, be happy being you, away from those who hurt you and prevent you from finding peace. Say goodbye without resentment to the mistakes of the past and prepare to find a faithful and honest love.