Close your mouth and open your arms, the world needs love, not judgment
Especially with the rise of social networks, it seems that everyone has some judgment to make and little love to give. Let’s reflect on this a bit and ask yourself, are you really capable of putting yourself in other people’s shoes? Let’s practice empathy and allow these kinds of feelings to dominate our hearts.
The world doesn’t need judgment, it needs love
When we feel entitled to judge, it is certain that we will not do so out of respect and consideration. Speaking ill of life choices, work choices or the companies someone else has chosen not only does not concern us, but also does not make us better people.
You don’t like her hair color? Okay, keep it in your mind. You don’t like his opinions on social networks? If the dispute is going nowhere, keep it in your mind. You don’t like his partner? Keep it in your mind. We’ve developed a superiority complex living in the society of hedonism. We think it’s okay to talk badly about others, but how wrong we are.
We often hide scathing comments in “positive reviews”. And indeed, when our words actually help friends and family to live better they are of great value, but most of the time they are not. That’s why it’s more important to close your mouth and open your arms.
You probably haven’t noticed, but yes, you’re loaded with negativity
When your comments on an issue are more powerful than your empathy, you are probably a negative person who is not contributing to making the world a better place. It may sound harsh, but you can be a pretty heavy person under the guise of “trying to open their minds. There is no such thing, you are not God, you are not superior, you cannot transform the minds of others; each person in his own way does this when he willingly decides to listen to you and others, but the encouragement does not come from you, but from the person himself.
Each of us has the freedom to live life as we wish, and we must be able to accept and respect even those things that seem incomprehensible to us.
Practice empathy
The world, crazy and messy as it is, doesn’t need judgment, it needs love. All your peers deserve respect, care and affection. Pointing the finger feels good, but it feels even better to give a hug while distancing the differences. There are many examples of negative attitudes, so let’s swim against the current and practice empathy.
Your passage through this world is ephemeral, you better be remembered for being kind, gentle and bringing joy to many. Not for your judgments and misplaced comments (because they never led you or anyone else anywhere).
So, the next time you think about judging someone, remember: it’s not your right, even if the choice of your peer is lousy, keep your mouth shut and your arms open for when they need you.