Living to be happy, not looking to impress anyone
It is said that one is as old as one feels, but the truth is that no matter how young we feel, every year counts. It counts in experiences, mistakes, successes, and many other things that are part of the path we have been walking for a long time. But none of this is bad, on the contrary, if we are still here, it is not only because we have not yet fulfilled our purpose in life, but because we still have many happy moments to go through, and these we will not live seeking to impress others.
Today I worry about being happier than impressing others
Do you know how many times we live trying to look like what we are not just to impress others? If you haven’t done it, congratulations. But if on the other hand you have fallen into the same trap many times, it is time to change that mentality because you are wasting your time. It happened to me, for example, and today I try to live for myself and not for others.
In childhood and especially in adolescence, one easily becomes accustomed to living seeking the acceptance of others. We want more friends, or to conquer someone and to do so we behave as we are not. In fact, many times we become someone else and leave behind so many virtues that if we had been exploited today we would be greater people.
In my youth, for example, it was like that. I spent many years wanting to fit in, and to do so many times I had to lie, exaggerate, and modify my personality patterns so that others could accept me. On top of that, if I felt some kind of emotional interest in someone else, I did a lot of things that I didn’t even like, just so I could please them. And what was the result? Nice moments that didn’t last long, and then I ended up with the same emptiness because I knew, I was just trying to impress others.
Happiness is the only thing that really matters, and that happiness is found within us only we do not see it because we are attentive to other things. Today, we pay more attention to what others say and think. We are focused only on social networks, and on a lot of banal things that do not build us up as human beings at all. We don’t strive to cultivate really special moments that make us enjoy true experiences that stay in our minds forever. But, these are things that we don’t learn many times when we are children or teenagers, because we believe that our life is endless and therefore we prefer to follow the same pattern that most people do.
If we could understand at an early age the importance of living each moment to the fullest, we would spend less time glued to a cell phone screen watching other people enjoy incredible places, and we would go to those places to enjoy them in person. Just imagine how many times you look at a picture of some mountains, how about instead of being impressed by the picture, you go there or to some natural place in your city and enjoy it?
If you think about it, life is not so long to be wasting it on social networks, much less to be looking to impress others. Be yourself, be loved and valued for who you are, value every year of your life and live only to be truly happy.