Someone who helps you be a better person is the one who should always be in your life
Surround yourself with people who encourage you to be better, not those who push you to give up your projects, to waste time and to always see the negative side of things. Many times we surround ourselves with people who sincerely don’t suit us, but we love them so much and they are so special to us that we don’t see that they are really hurting us.
It’s not about being selfish, it’s about having good self-esteem. You’d be surprised how often a person who has low self-esteem clings to friendships that don’t suit him just because he fears rejection and believes he won’t get new friendships. But did you know that the real purpose of a friendship is to do good for each other and to help each other grow? So what’s the point of having so many friends if they haven’t had any positive impact on you?
Keep only the friendships that are good for you
You’ll probably argue that your friends haven’t made a good impression on you but they haven’t made you a better person either. What you should know is that the purpose of friendships is to challenge us to grow and support each other. If you don’t get just one of your two current friendships, maybe you should stop trying to keep them.
We are very afraid of loneliness and that is why we fill our lives with too many people who in the end prevent us from finding true love, the love that is within us. We hear so many voices in unison and we are filled with so much noise, that we often make the least appropriate decisions and we always feel in the midst of uncertainty.
Maybe if you had more time alone and had fewer friends and relationships that don’t give you anything, you could overcome your fears and gain certainty in the midst of so much uncertainty. Seek and keep the real friendships, the ones that are good for you. There are friends who are like a breath of fresh air, they are always opportune and know what to tell you to comfort you or get you out of a predicament.
There are friends who correct you and teach you life lessons, sometimes with words, sometimes just with their actions or their way of being. That’s the kind of relationship you need in your life.
Much has been said: better alone than in bad company. But if we want to be more upright in this respect, we can rather say that we must see to it that all friendships have a purpose. Because true love operates in this way, it comes into our lives and drives away all darkness, it enlightens our hearts and gives us the necessary motivation to make changes, to face challenges and to grow as people.
This can be affirmed with complete certainty by a mother who, on receiving her child, experiences a love so great and so genuine that her life is changed forever. A mother is willing to make the changes that are required and to make the hardest decisions to be a better person for her child. That is how love works in her, and that is one of the greatest evidences of how love transforms us. In the same way, your friends and partner should inspire you to be better, not worse.